What is a muscle up and how to do it?
The muscle-up, also known as “bar muscle-up or strict muscle-up”, is a calisthenic movement that uses your weight to activate muscle groups throughout your body. Perform muscle-ups by grabbing hold of a pull-up bar. Use a false grip with your thumbs above the bar. Keep your body in a hollow hold position with your lats engaged, legs straight, and toes pointed. While maintaining a strong core, lift your body with a movement pattern similar to a pull-up. Once your chest is higher than the bar, lean forward and push into the bar to lift your body up with a dip movement. Lower yourself carefully and repeat this movement for the desired number of repetitions.

The basics of a Muscle Up

Step 1:
One must start with an “active” hang under the bar by squeezing down your back and shoulders.
Step 2:
From hanging hollow position, pull down on the bar or whichever equipment you’re hanging on using your back together with your shoulders note that your arms must be straight. Lift your hips to reach your hands, then drive your head forward over the bar. Whipping your head is crucial if you want to create momentum to pull you over the bar. Get in the swing of it.
Step 3:
With the hardest part of the move accomplished, your muscle-up is only a press/push away. From the bottom of a dip position, to the final progression move to press your body upward. Keep your core tight and your legs in front.
Watch Our District Training Muscle Up Tutorial Video to Learn More
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